

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十五期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖非洲城市交通基础设施治理,绅士化与劳动力市场动荡,晚期城市化,非正式住房的社会资本与感知的使用权保障,大都市地区的自然人口增长与都市治理,欢迎阅读。


Urban statecraft: The governance of transport infrastructures in African cities


Liza Rose Cirolia(南非开普敦大学)Jesse Harber(英国伦敦大学亚非学院)首次出版时间:2021/8/21|研究论文

Through the lens of infrastructure governance, this article explores the configurations and operations of the urban state in sub-Saharan Africa. We deploy and extend the concept of ‘statecraft’, drawing on the recent scholarship within urban studies which explores city and municipal statecraft. Consolidating insights across several studies on transport governance in African cities, we identify three ‘sites’ of urban statecraft evident in urban Africa. First, we look at sectoral authorities, which we analyse through the common experience of ringfenced national road agencies. Carving off urban functions can fragment power over urban infrastructure. Second, we look at metropolitan authorities, which we analyse through bus rapid transit (BRT) agencies. Metropolitanisation crafts new scales of governance in Africa’s larger cities. Finally, we turn to the regulation of informal service delivery systems, which we analyse through popular transport regulation. The regulation of minibus and motorcycle taxis shows the central importance of everyday practice in urban statecraft in Africa. The case of transport governance provides a particularly vivid display of the institutional fragmentation that exists between state agencies and institutions in African cities. In this context, the urban state is not a static municipal entity, but is enacted through complex and multi-scalar relationships. These relationships relate not only to the assignment of functions or territorial design, but also to the practices which animate infrastructural systems. More generally, we argue that there is ample scope within the African urban governance debates for deeper interrogation of statecraft.

摘要本文从基础设施治理的角度探讨撒哈拉以南非洲城市政府的配置和运作。我们运用并扩展了“治国之道 (statecraft)”的概念,借鉴了城市研究领域中探索城市和市政治国之道的最新学术成果。分割城市功能会分散城市基础设施的管理权力。其次,我们研究大都市当局,我们通过快速公交 (BRT) 管理机构对其进行分析。大都市主义在非洲大城市创造了新的治理标量。最后,我们转向对非正规服务提供系统的监管,我们通过流行的运输监管对其进行分析。对小型公共汽车和摩的的监管显示了非洲城市治国之道中日常实践的核心重要性。运输治理的案例特别生动地展示了非洲城市国家机构和机关之间存在的体制性分裂。在这种背景下,城市政府不是一个静态的市政实体,而是通过复杂的多标量关系运作。这些关系不仅与功能分配或地域设计有关,还与基础设施系统运作方面的实际做法有关。更一般地说,我们认为,在非洲城市治理辩论中,有足够的空间对治国之道进行更深入的探究。
Keywords Africa, cities, infrastructure, scalecraft, statecraft, transport, urban
关键词非洲, 城市, 基础设施, 规模之道 (scalecraft), 治国之道 (statecraft), 交通, 城市的


On the recursive relationship between gentrification and labour market precarisation: Evidence from two neighbourhoods in Athens, Greece


Konstantinos Gourzis(希腊爱琴大学)Andrew Herod(英国乔治亚大学)Ioannis Chorianopoulos(希腊爱琴大学)Stelios Gialis(希腊爱琴大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/21|研究论文

Gentrification and labour precarisation constitute prominent responses to urban capitalist crises. They have typically been addressed in the literature as distinct processes. Even though they can indeed occur independently of one another, here we argue that they are also often deeply interconnected. To do so, we utilise a mix of fieldwork and secondary data to investigate how gentrification has both fostered labour precarisation but also how it has been supported by it, within a context of economic recession yet growing tourist inflows into two neighbourhoods (Koukaki and Kerameikos) in central Athens, Greece. Our findings show that the growth of precarious labour in construction has facilitated the development of several gentrification loci whilst, in turn, gentrification’s consolidation has encouraged the growth of poor working conditions in local lodging, hospitality/catering, and creative activities. Ultimately, in highlighting the role of labour precarisation in gentrification, the paper argues that these processes are more than mere parts of an opportunistic conjuncture. Instead, their interconnectedness constitutes an integral part of the city’s contemporary urbanisation, being a continuation of the crisis-struck, construction-driven economic models that have historically characterised much of the Mediterranean European Union.

摘要 绅士化和劳动者动荡是对城市资本主义危机的显著回应。两者在文献中通常被描述为不同的过程。尽管它们确实可以相互独立地发生,但在本文中,我们主张它们也常常是紧密相连的。为了证明这一点,我们采用实地调查和二手数据相结合的方式,考察了绅士化如何加剧了劳动者动荡,同时又被劳动者动荡所强化。我们的研究背景是,希腊雅典市中心两个街区(库卡基 (Koukaki) 和喀拉梅科斯 (Kerameikos))一方面经历经济衰退,另一方面游客的流入也在不断增加。我们的研究结果表明,建筑业不稳定劳动力的增加促进了几个绅士化地方的开发,而绅士化的巩固反过来又加剧了当地住宿、酒店/餐饮和创意活动产业中恶劣工作条件的蔓延。最后,在强调劳动者动荡在绅士化中的作用时,本文认为这些过程不仅仅是机会主义危机的一部分。相反,它们的相互联系构成了这座城市当代城市化不可分割的一部分,是受危机冲击、由建筑驱动的经济模式的延续,而这种模式在历史上一直是地中海联盟的特征。
Keywords displacement, labour precarisation, Mediterranean EU, short-term rentals, touristification
关键词 驱逐, 劳动者动荡, 地中海联盟, 短期租赁, 旅游者化
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211031775


On the conditions of ‘late urbanisation’


Sean Fox(英国布里斯托大学)Tom Goodfellow(英国谢菲尔德大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/21|研究论文


We are living through a global urban transition, but the timing of this transition has varied significantly across countries and regions. This geographic variation in timing matters, both theoretically and substantively. Yet contemporary debates on urbanism hinge primarily on questions of universalism versus particularism, at the expense of attention to how history and geography collide to shape urban processes. Specifically, they neglect the critical fact that urbanisation in many countries today is late within the context of the global urban transition. We argue that trajectories of contemporary urbanisation must be understood in relation to a suite of conditions unique to the late 20th and early 21st centuries and partly shaped by early urbanisation, including historically unprecedented demographic intensity, hyperglobalisation, centripetal state politics and the spectre of environmental catastrophe in the late Anthropocene. These factors condition the range of possibilities for late urbanisers in ways that did not apply to early urbanisers yet can also produce diverse outcomes depending on local circumstances. We draw on a comparison between countries in sub-Saharan Africa and China to illustrate why the conditions of late urbanisation matter, but also why they have produced highly variable outcomes and are not deterministic of urban futures.

摘要 我们正在经历一场全球城市转型,但这一转型的时机在不同国家和地区有很大差异。这种时机上的地理差异在理论上和实质上都很重要。然而,当代关于城市化的争论主要集中在普遍主义和特殊主义的问题上,忽略了历史和地理如何相互碰撞以塑造城市进程。具体而言,学者们忽略了一个关键事实,即在全球城市转型的背景下,当今许多国家的城市化进程已经滞后。我们认为,必须联系20世纪末和21世纪初特有的一系列条件来理解当代城市化的轨迹,这些条件在一定程度上是由早期城市化形成的,包括历史上前所未有的人口密度、超全球化、向心国家政治和人类世晚期环境灾难的幽灵。这些因素制约着后期城市居民的可能性范围,这些制约因素不适用于早期城市居民,也会因当地情况的不同而产生不同的结果。我们通过对撒哈拉以南非洲国家和中国的比较来说明为什么后期城市化的条件很重要,也说明了为什么它们产生了差异极大的结果,并且对城市的未来而言并不是决定性的。
Keywords Africa, China, cities, global South, late urbanisation, urbanisation, urban transition
非洲, 中国, 城市, 全球南方, 后期城市化, 城市化, 城市转型

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211032654


Social capital and perceived tenure security of informal housing: Evidence from Beijing, China


Mengzhu Zhang(中国香港大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/21|研究论文


Perceived tenure security is recognised to affect the socioeconomic behaviours and wellbeing of informal settlement dwellers. The provision of perceived tenure security is centred on the developmental agenda as a key policy alternative of tenure legalisation. Despite the consensus about its importance, the reason perceived tenure security is different amongst dwellers remains unclear. To fill this gap, we introduce social capital theory to understand the formation of and disparity in perceived tenure security. The hypotheses are that dwellers living in informal settlements with higher collective social capital and having higher individual social capital tend to feel more secure on their tenure because of higher backing power attained to deter the threats of eviction. We examine the hypotheses using a structural equation model approach to a dataset collected from three small property rights housing communities, which are emerging informal settlements in urban China. Modelling results support our hypotheses and suggest that female, low-income and migrant dwellers tend to feel less secure on their tenure because of the lack of social capital to deter the threats to their tenure. This study contributes to a new sociological explanation for the disparity in perceived tenure security other than the established psychological explanation. Empirically, this study contributes to the understanding of the rapid development of small property rights housing developments in China from the perspective of how dwellers develop security on informal tenure.

Keywordsinformal housing, informal settlement, informal tenure, perceived tenure security, social capital

非正规住房, 非正规住区, 非正规保有权, 保有权保障感知, 社会资本



Natural population growth and urban management in metropolitan regions: Insights from pre-crisis and post-crisis Athens, Greece


Sabato Vinci(意大利罗马大学)Gianluca Egidi(意大利图西亚大学)Rosanna Salvia(意大利巴西里卡塔大学)等其他五位作者

Between the 1970s and the 1990s, cities in Southern Europe experienced a progressive delocalisation of population, settlements and activities over larger regions. Economic downturns have increasingly influenced more recent waves of metropolitan growth, shaping differentiated patterns of urban change. While some cities evolved towards accelerated population dynamics in central districts responding to re-urbanisation impulses, other agglomerations were intrinsically bounded in a sort of ‘late suburbanisation’, with demographic shrinkage of both inner districts and rural areas, and uneven expansion of suburban population. By providing a comprehensive interpretation of the socioeconomic mechanisms underlying recent urban expansion, this study illustrates a diachronic analysis of population dynamics over multiple spatial scales and time frames in a metropolitan region of Southern Europe (Athens, Greece) between 1999 and 2019. Natural population balance was investigated vis à vis selected territorial indicators using descriptive, inferential and multivariate statistics. Results of the analysis identify different social forces underlying suburban population growth during economic expansion (2000s) and recession (2010s), evidencing a distinctive response of local communities to economic downturns that depends mostly on the background context (affluent versus disadvantaged neighbourhoods). Given the multiplicity of territorial dimensions involved in urban growth, our findings highlight how economic downturns distinctively shape metropolitan development based on locally differentiated demographic dynamics.

Keywordsmultivariate statistics, natural population balance, Southern Europe, suburbanisation, urban governance
关键词多元统计, 自然人口平衡, 南欧, 郊区化, 城市治理



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